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Issues I Will Face



The ratio of mental health providers  to Philadelphians is 470:1. I am advocating for 2.7 billion dollars in funding be allocated to providers to have the continuum of resources, recruitment and retention of employees. There are people who need mental health services right now who have been waiting more than 2 months to 2 years just to see a therapist. 



225,000 people in 2019 could not read or write in Philadelphia and this number has doubled since then. We have a literacy epidemic and it needs to be addressed. Martin Luther King Jr. High School is one of the largest high schools on the east cost and is the largest school building in the city out of the 65 schools listed as CTE (career and technical education). They currently have an entire wing/floor in their building that is CTE ready but is not being used at all. Why? It’s my goal to bring awareness to Philadelphians and educate them of what’s “REALLY” happening, work collaboratively with the residents who want to see change and bring solutions to these issues legislatively. 



When you change the environment you change the behavior. Beautifying our neighborhoods brings jobs and research has shown that it decreases violence. Revitalization and remodeling projects that targets abandon buildings/houses can create jobs, decreases homelessness and afford opportunities for small businesses to thrive in communities that are changing. Imagine if we can create  communities that are foot oriented with green friendly buildings and community ran gardens. I advocate that we put businesses and homes within proximity. Create a community where our daily needs are close at hand. I advocate that we simultaneously look at going green when rehabbing/expanding the existing homes and storefronts in the neighborhood. Philadelphia is not hurting at all for properties. There are over 10,000 underutilized properties that could be renovated/rehab to provide sustainability for more people and businesses.  I advocate for bills/resolutions for funding to be allocated for the implementation of an eco-friendly community that consists of the planting of female trees to reduce the pollen, the creation of cultural theme parks, arts/entertainment, asbestos/lead free schools, grocery stores in food deserted areas, 7 days a week libraries, 7 days a week recreation centers, and a public bank.